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In the teaching of English, we aim to deliver a broad, balanced and varied curriculum, to provide a clear structure for a child’s learning, and to develop each child’s independence as a learner. We strive to equip the children with skills that will enable them to become powerful communicators.
We aim to:
- deliver a creative curriculum that embraces, explores and mixes traditional and contemporary opportunities to access language and the power of words.
- foster an enthusiasm for reading, and an appreciation of our literary heritage
- encourage children to be alert in their reading, sensitive in their listening, and clear in their spoken and written communication
- encourage active discussion and questioning to develop confident speakers.
- promote engagement with a wide variety of texts.
- Use technology and media when appropriate to support and enhance learning, but not as a replacement so as to preserve the rich tradition of the subject.
Head of Department – Mrs G Chitty
Years 1-4 are taught English by their class teacher. In Years 5-8 English is taught by a specialist subject teacher.
In Years 7 and 8, the scholarship groups arrangement means that pupils are taught in small groups. This allows more gifted children to be stretched and provides support for those who benefit from the extra time. These base curriculum remains the same for all children, but texts and activities are selected to suit the needs of the class.
Teaching and learning objectives are set out by the Primary Framework for Literacy in combination with those of the Common Entrance Syllabus and interests of members of the department . The intention is to provide a clear structure within which individual teachers can play to their strengths, and tap into the rich variety of resources, not just on the classroom shelves, but in the world around them.
We aim to employ a variety of methods in our teaching: English is a subject which should open children’s eyes; the process of teaching and learning should be great fun. Therefore, as well as making use of texts, textbooks and ICT, we also incorporate extracts of film, storytelling, the outdoors and art. We take an active approach to learning, and drama is incorporated into the curriculum, as well as being taught as a separate subject in Y 3,4,5 and 6. We employ workshop methods, when appropriate, for the development of creative writing, and discussion is considered vital.
Click here to view a copy of the ISEB Common Entrance Syllabus for English.
Trips and Events
Book sales, workshops, storytellers, visits to the theatre and visits to the School from well known authors are a regular occurrence. Whole school reading events encourage reading for pleasure, which is also supported in class and tutor time.
Pupils can choose to be involved in some of the many plays produced in School each year and participate in story writing and poetry writing competitions both in-house and externally. Each year during our Poetry and Music evening pupils read out a selection of learned verse and their own poems.
The School also shows its support for children to experience Shakespeare, by being part of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Stand up for Shakespeare education manifesto. Whereby specifically children in Year 8 experience drama workshops in the inspiring setting of the Globe Theatre in London.