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World Book Day
World Book Day was postponed this year following the snow, but despite the delay, the enthusiasm for the day and fantastic array of characters and authors was as impressive as ever.
World Book Day is a celebration designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading and marked in over 100 countries. It’s a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and – most importantly – it’s a celebration of reading.
And this notion of celebration was certainly apparent in the Prep Department assembly with a bumper bonanza of on-the-edge-of-your-seat activities: staff spoke about their favourite childhood books; Year 8 pupils bravely plugged their favourite reads under the pressure of a whistle and stopwatch; audience participation came in the form of a quiz; pupils bravely teamed up with staff to play book taboo, and of course there were colourful parades of characters and authors from literature – even William Shakespeare made a special appearance.
Throughout the day, the library held competitions and teachers were pursued to identify who their character for the day was. There was an impressive response to the re-design a book cover (winner Daisy Clabburn Y7 and Jack Vincent Y5) and in Y3 & 4 there were some thoughtful and artistic entries to design a bookmark (winners Nicholas Stammers, Alec McIntyre, Lola Morford, Perdie Finch). These entries and many more can be seen in the foyer of the Dearnaley Building.
Many thanks go to all the parents, children and staff who made this event such a success.
Keep reading!
Ghislaine Chitty
Head of English