Reception - Year 2

Very young children have a natural curiosity and enthusiasm and we aim to harness these qualities through an active, stimulating, happy and secure Pre Prep environment in which our children can flourish into confident, well-prepared and highly motivated learners. At the same time, we help them to develop into sociable and balanced individuals with good manners, self discipline, honesty and consideration for others; values reflected and endorsed in The Town Close Way.

Class Structure

The Pre Prep Department caters for Children aged between 3 and 7 years. The department includes:

  • A Nursery for children aged 3-4 years
  • Three Reception classes (ages 4-5)
  • Three Year 1 classes (ages 5-6)
  • Three Year 2 classes (aged 6-7)

The children are taught in small classes with a classroom teacher and a teaching assistant, providing a good ratio of adults to children. We aim for class sizes of 18 in Reception and Year 1 and 20 from Year 2 onwards. We normally run three classes in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, with scope to run four classes if there is exceptional demand for places in a particular cohort.

Help and support is provided to the children throughout the lunch hour and break times, too, meaning we have every opportunity to become very well acquainted with each child and are able to meet their individual needs.

Opportunities in Pre Prep

The School follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum in the Nursery and Reception classes. We then follow an enhanced Key Stage One curriculum for our pupils in Years 1 and 2.

Beyond The Classroom

All children, including those in Nursery, are taught Swimming, Dance and Music each week by specialist teaching staff. From Year 2 onwards all PE and Games lessons are taught by specialists and children have the opportunity to attend various lunchtime sports clubs including a tennis club led by a Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) coach.

Facilities and grounds at Town Close.

Throughout Pre Prep, all children are also taught ICT skills and given opportunities to use the various computer suites, cameras and programmable toys. Computing is taught by the class teachers in Reception and Year 1 in the Pre Prep computer room. From Year 2 classes are delivered on a subject specialist basis in our well-equipped computer room in the Prep Department.

In the Pre Prep department, PSHE is taught each week for 30-40 minutes. The pupils are introduced to the Town Close Way in assemblies and Bird Family Meetings and these are followed up and developed in class lessons.

Pre prep students in Town Close.

Thematic Learning

Thematic learning, across the ages in Pre Prep, offers an inclusive, collaborative and immersive style of working that enables each child to feel part of a community of learners but, also, allows every activity to be tailored to meet the specific requirements of each and every pupil as an individual, irrespective of their age or abilities.

This theme or topic based learning is augmented by stimulating visiting speakers, interactive workshops and educational trips out that help to forge deeper connections in their learning and with each other, tapping into each child’s natural curiosity and helping to create motivated, active and excited learners. This approach equips them with vital skills to prepare them for the educational challenges and experiences to come as they progress up the school and into the future.

Special Events

Many special events, to which family and friends are invited, run across the academic year. These highly anticipated events are highlights of the year and a very special moment for parents to see their child's confidence develop. Such events include the class assemblies led by the children, the Christmas plays, Grandparent's Day, the Carol Service at the local church, the special ‘Sports Afternoons’ held in the Summer Term.

Every Moment Matters

Pre prep students in Town Close.

Our Facilities

Outdoor learning plays an important part in our curriculum and children enjoy the expansive, secure adventure play area as well as the wider school grounds for various lessons throughout the year as well as during their break times.

Explore our facilitiies

Pre Prep Film