The termly fees for the 2024/2025 academic year are:

NurseryReception, Year 1 & Year 2Year 3 to 8

For the avoidance of doubt all fees will be subject to the appropriate rate of VAT in force.

VAT Support at Town Close

While not a contractual commitment on the part of Town Close School (“the School”), it is the School’s intention (if possible) that our support package will run for three full calendar years, commencing 1 January 2025. In each of those years it is hoped that 25% of the cost of the VAT will be cumulatively passed on to you. The School proposes it will absorb 75% of the total value of VAT on published base fees in 2025, 50% in 2026 and 25% in 2027.

The table below shows the level of support the School believes it will be able to provide for the year ended 31 December 2025.

 NurseryReception, Year 1 & Year 2Year 3 to 8
Termly Base Fee 2024/2025£3,737£4,848£5,668
20% VAT£0 (remains exempt)£970£1,134
Total due without support£3,737£5,818£6,802
Total due with support£3,737£5,090£5,951
Additional termly cost per pupil to be met by parents £0£242£283
Termly Saving because of the School’s support£0£728£851

The School’s proposed support package would, therefore, offer an annual saving (on current fees) of £2,553 for each Prep pupil and £2,184 for each Pre Prep pupil.

This reflects the School’s understanding based on the policy advice which the Government have published and accompanying draft legislation.

Sibling Discount Policy

  • All parents with three or more children attending Town Close are eligible for a sibling discount of 20% of school fees for the third and subsequent child while at least three children attend the School.
  • The discount will also apply to third and subsequent children in a family where other siblings have attended Town Close until Year 8. Parents are asked to make the School aware of their eligibility for this discount at the time of signing the acceptance form.
  • A sibling is classified as two or more children having one or both parents (whether natural or adoptive) in common, i.e. a brother or sister, it does not apply to other relatives.
  • If a parent is in receipt of bursarial support, only the greater of the discounts will apply.

The school reserves the right to withdraw a sibling discount in the event of late or non-payment of school fees.

Visit our page about making payments

Other Fees

Registration Fee

A registration fee of £100+VAT is payable when you register your child for a place at the School. This is non-refundable unless we are unable to offer your child a place for any reason.

Acceptance Deposit

A deposit of £500 is payable when accepting a place. This is refundable after any outstanding accounts have been settled when your child leaves the School.

After School Care

We offer After School Care between 3.45pm and 6pm in Pre Prep and 4.00pm-6.00pm in Prep. Tea is served to Pre Prep pupils and a snack provided for those in the Prep Department. Fees charged for an advanced booking of After School care are:

Pre Prep DepartmentPre-booked in advance (by Noon)Not Pre-booked
3.45 to 4.30pm£4.50£6.00
3.45 to 5.00pm£8.00£12.00
3.45 to 5.30pm£12.00£18.00
3.45 to 6.00pm£15.50£24.00
Prep DepartmentPre-booked in advance (by Noon)Not Pre-booked
4.00 to 5.00pm£6.50£8.00
5.00 to 6.00pm£6.50£8.00
4.00 to 6.00pm£13.00£16.00

Individual Music Lessons

Instrumental tuition is taught individually to pupils by peripatetic music staff who undertake to teach 30 lessons a year divided between three terms – some terms may have 12 lessons and others may only have eight. Lessons cost £210 per term.


Our Bursary programme is designed to enable those who meet the School’s entry criteria, but cannot afford the fees and other costs, to take up a place here.  We offer means-tested awards and seek to focus this support on candidates demonstrating a particularly strong need for a Town Close education. Both parents are required to provide proof of their income and assets to our independent assessors, Bursary Assessment Associates (BAA). BAA will make arrangements with the applying family to undertake a home visit in order to discuss the application and the family’s finances. They will then submit a report to the school which includes a recommended level of assistance. The level of support varies according to parental circumstances, but can extend to full fee remission in cases of exceptional need. Parents should indicate on the Registration Form if they would like to be considered for bursarial support, and will then be required to complete an Application Form and provide proof of income and assets, in order for an assessment to be made.

It is unlikely for a pupil to be considered for a bursary if household income is greater than 5 x annual fees or if capital assets were greater than 20 x annual fees.

Making Payments

We are pleased to be able to offer you multiple methods to pay School fees and any other incidental expenses including registration and acceptance fees.

Visit our page about making payments