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Our Online Learning Resources Hub is featured in Norfolk Magazine
We are delighted that our Online Learning Resources Hub has been featured in September’s edition of Norfolk Magazine.
The full article is printed below.
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An award-winning Norwich prep school is allowing all children to use its library of recorded lessons and downloadable learning resources.
Town Close School, which was recently awarded TES Pre Prep/Prep School of the Year 2020, has launched an online learning resources hub that is accessible to all school pupils not just its own students.
Headmaster Nicholas Bevington said when schools closed on March 20 due the coronavirus crisis, Town Close adapted teaching methods, including using video software Zoom, to ensure its pupils received a full timetable of lessons from home.
He said: “Zoom allowed us to continue to offer our full timetable to children in years two to eight as well as ensuring that the year one pupils enjoyed a maths and literacy lesson each day, together with form time and teacher-led story time.”
Now the resources are being offered to the wider community as a help to parents who may be wanting to help their children catch-up during the summer holidays.
Melanie Harries, head of pre-prep, said: “Our teachers have created a wealth of resources in the core subjects whilst ensuring that the children continue to engage with their extra-curricular interests through art lessons, music sessions and sports challenges.
“Appreciating how this unprecedented time is affecting all children and their families, we would like to share these resources with everyone, and hope to help as many children locally and nationally as possible at this difficult time.”
The online resources hub features a wide variety of educational tools including everything from music classes to story time, challenge sheets, mindfulness exercises and a range of age appropriate mental health tools and information.
Mr Bevington added: “We hope that a lot of children will benefit and enjoy the lessons and activities our staff have worked incredibly hard to produce and deliver.
“I am incredibly proud of the children, our fantastic teaching staff and our supportive parent body for all we have collectively achieved since March.
“A wartime spirit of community, resilience and camaraderie has spread through the school and the wider communities that we all live in; the real lessons to be learned from this time are built on these values and long may they be remembered and perpetuated.”